Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc presents the Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge event for fitness coaches, wellness coaches, wellness professionals

Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge Virtual Experience! - Online Course

The Business of Health, Fitness & Nutrition!


Learn How Your Health, Fitness, Wellness or Nutrition Knowledge Fits Into a Proven SYSTEM That will Generate $10K+ Per Month for Your Business

*Gain 24/7 Online Access to the MYNK Experience!

Dickens Fenelon, CFNS, IFBB Pro - Health & Fitness Coach

Dickens Fenelon,


"With Lucho & Lisza's help, I hit my goal of  6 figures within 8 months, and doubled it my 2nd year!”

Kim Lipe, CFNS - Health & Fitness Coach

Kim Lipe, CFNS

"within 3 weeks of returning home, I made $5,373.00 by implementing just ONE of the strategies I learned at the LIVE 3 day event”

The Ultimate Online Course Experience for Medical, Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Coaches, and Professionals!

What You Will Learn At This Online Immersive Health, Wellness & Nutrition Business Experience Course:


How to CONVERT 4 Out Of 6 Qualified  Prospects into High Paying Clients Using Proven Language Skills to Increase Enrollments 30-60%!  Includes specific NLP training to attract clients naturally & easily. 


How to CREATE More Freedom through simple SYSTEMS to Leverage your Knowledge & Expertise. Includes the What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™ to Simplify your process and save you TIME!


How to AUTOMATE Your Business To Easily Add an Additional $5,000 - $10,000/Month With Cutting Edge Referral, Recurring & Re-Education Systems to increase Profitable Cash Flow for Your Business.

Are You Doing Things the HARD WAY?

You Know What We Mean...

  • You feel STUCK or even paralyzed about how to grow your business or practice. How to transition your clients to virtual and even grow that opportunity.

  • You are either crazy busy OR dead quiet because you don't know how to scale or build profitable SYSTEMS.

  • You spend a lot of time and money hunting down clients on social media, yet have little to show for that effort & you make just enough to keep the doors open but not enough to pay yourself.

  • You're not quite clear of your bigger vision and are confused about what to do next, when, where and how.

  • You keep learning as much as you can about nutrition, yet a new fad seems to come up daily and you don’t know how to put it all together.

  • You love what you do, but the time it sucks out of you makes you wonder if this is the right choice for you

OR, Are You Ready To...

  • Simplify your business and implement step by step strategies that double or triple your client conversions, attract high value clients that stay with you, will refer more clients and Get RESULTS Fast.

  • Utilize a SIMPLE Proven SYSTEM that you can implement immediately and have your clients Excited to book with you!

  • Get Clarity of your bigger vision so you know EXACTLY what to do next, when, where and how.

  • Put it all together in a cutting edge system that can easily clear the clutter of what is hype and what is science based results.

  • Know that this is ABSOLUTELY the right choice and the right place for you to be!

This Event is focused on CUSTOM BUSINESS SYSTEMS and the BUSINESS, SALES & MARKETING STRATEGIES Necessary to Build a Thriving, Lucrative Health, Fitness, Wellness or Nutrition Practice!

Even if you are already Certified through another program, do you know how to put it all together?  Do you have a Proven SYSTEM to MONETIZE Your Health, Fitness or Nutrition Knowledge?

We've heard over and over again from people just like you who have been certified through other programs and are very happy with what they learned... Such as 101 different diet modalities, or how to "categorize" their clients as Endomorphs, Ectomorphs or Mesomorphs but are still at a loss on what to do with that information and how to monetize it. 

Learning 101 different diet modalities is great, but not very useful if you don’t know how to apply those to your specific clients. It would be like going to mechanic school, have them show you a bunch of really cool tools yet not teaching you how to use them.

In this 3 day event you will learn how to create more Time Freedom through implementing simple SYSTEMS to Leverage your Knowledge & Expertise. 

Learn how SMALL TWEAKS can make a BIG IMPACT. For example, we will cover how to create Custom Nutrition Programs for:

  • Endurance/Xtreme Athletes
  • Figure, Fitness & Bodybuilders
  • Regular Weight Loss/Weight Gain Clients
  • Obese Clients
Mory Larson, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist of ABSolute Fitness and Nutrition

Mory Larson, CFNS

"The floodgates have opened... Thanks to the Mentoring of Lucho & Lisa, I've opened a 2nd location and attracting the right clients that like learning about nutrition and are not afraid to pay for it"

How Would Your Business Change If You Could EASILY Attract Eager Clients, Charge What YOU Are Worth, And Make an Additional $100,000 or More Doing What You Love?

This course is filled with the "nuts and bolts" of Business Training & shares cutting edge techniques & strategies that are currently working in today's marketplace!

Listen to what National Fitness Hall of Fame Inductee, FORBES RILEY has to say about the event from which this course was built...

And, 12x Mr. Olympia Top 5 Competitor

"Sugar" Shawn Ray...

If you can relate to ANY of this, we need to talk...

  • You're struggling to find clients who will pay you for your expertise; and find yourself giving away your advice for FREE!

  • You're doing everything you can think of doing to grow your business, but your lack of results makes you feel like a failure.

  • You're getting out to network and talking to people, but just can't find a way to get them to say YES to your services.

  • You're feeling disillusioned and frustrated that making this business "work" is so hard.

  • You see other Entrepreneurs and Business Owners making 6 figures (and even multiple 6 figures) you yearn for, but you secretly wonder if it's possible for you.

  • You've been "Certified" by another program, but you simply aren't making money (or enough money) from it.

  • You want to Leverage your Time & Resources, but you're not sure how to structure the programs.

  • You are sick of all the emails, teleseminars and absurd amount of "same ole' same ole'" information and marketing hype that has you feeling PUMPED UP, but actually leaves you more confused about EXACTLY what you need to DO to get the RESULTS you REALLY want.

Our Powerful Business Model Teaches You to MONETIZE Your Health, Fitness, Wellness & Nutrition Certifications and Trainings while Creating Long-Term Consistent Income

We are only working with a handful of SERIOUS Health, Fitness, Wellness or Nutrition Professionals and Business Owners who are tired of their situation and are ready to implement a life changing SYSTEM and create the life they dream of.

Dear Serious Business Owner,

Notice that we didn't say "people running their business as a money sucking hobby" or "person waiting around thinking about starting or growing their business one day" or "person who proclaims that they want to change the world" (just so long as they don't have to be uncomfortable and work hard at doing it)... We said Serious Business Owner.

Someone who has a passion or a gift or a mission or a calling to serve the world in a greater way and makes tons of money doing it - choosing to live life on his or her terms.

Because frankly, we're OVER talking to people who claim they want the immense perks of owning their own business (more money, more freedom, living life on your terms), but are unwilling to actually DO and BE what it really takes to get those results... If you have ever spoken to someone like that, you know exactly what we are talking about.

No thanks!. (If that is you, we promise we are not the coaches for you and you should run away from this page now and get off our list).

Still here?  Okay good.  You are heading in the right direction.

Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge Virtual Live Experience for Health, Fitness, Wellness & Nutrition Professionals, Coaches and Business Owners
Russ Sherman, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Health & Fitness Coach

Russ Sherman, CFNS

"This program has gotten my clients the best results of their lives...  I searched high and low for the absolute BEST Nutrition Certification and business training program, and this is it!"

And, if you are NOT yet Certified or want to add an Additional Certification, you are in luck...

The VIP package INCLUDES a Complete 

CEU Accredited Nutrition Certification Course...

As A Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™

Build Your Health, Fitness, Wellness or Nutrition Coaching Career with a Proven Nutrition SYSTEM & CUSTOM Nutrition Software that Provides Measurable Results for Your Clients!

Business Training

Complete Business in a Box - Start Earning Right Away!

NASM CEU Provider for nutrition, health & fitness continuing education

1.9 CEU's

Study Online

Complete Online Access 24/7.

Study at your own pace. Fit it into your schedule.

AFAA,  CEU Provider for health & fitness continuing education

15 CEU's

Earn CEU's

CEU Accredited for 15+ years.

See Below

NCCPT,  CEU Provider for health & fitness continuing education

1.0 CEU's

Custom Software

Student Access to Create Custom Nutrition Programs. 

DFY Formulas!

ISSA,  CEU Provider for nutrition & fitness continuing education

20 CEU's

You need it.  Your business needs it.  Your clients need it.

Online Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge Course

Your VIP MYNK Registration Includes...

  • 1 Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist Online Course​- Providing the following CEU's upon completion: 1.9 NASM, 20 ISSA, 1.0 NCCPT - Get started on the course requirements the second you complete your registration ($495.00 Value)

  • 6 Months What Works® Custom Nutrition Software License​- Full access to the Professional Online Version Software upon completion of the Course ($594.00 value) you get to use our software for free while taking the course; your 6 months begin once certified.

  • 3 Months FREE Business Builder Coaching Program - Ongoing Coaching included for 3 months ($97.00 x 3 = $291.00 value)

  • Lifetime Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

  • Recording of 3 Days of Training Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value)

  • 1 Customized Convert * Create * Automate Blueprint​ for you to use in YOUR Business (priceless)

  • 1 Hour PRIVATE Coaching Call with Lucho & Lisza ($1000 value) after course completion so that we can guide on how to best implement what you have learned into YOUR BUSINESS

TOTAL VALUE:  $6,874.00

Check out what past attendees have to say about the

Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge


Your Program Has Completely Transformed My Business!

In just a matter of 3 weeks, I was able to grow my business from one client, to over 25 clients. Not only is the software producing results for my business, it is changing the lives of my clients. Many clients are seeing huge results within the first two weeks. My clients are losing on average 4 – 7.5 pounds every 2 weeks and upwards of 2-5% body fat. But what excites me the most is that they are learning new habits that are going to stay with them for life. These are the kind of changes that impact people forever and create a lasting, successful business. Thank you for providing the tools I needed to help my clients reach their full potential.


Stephanie Gillam, B.S., M.B.A.

Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist

AFAA Certified Personal Trainer

AFAA Certified Group Exercise Instructor

Runners Edge SMART Pacing Team

Nikki LaBarbera, Certified Fitness Nutritions Specialist, creator of the Fat Burn Yoga Certification Program & Owner of Frisco Yoga & Nutrition

"Implementing the Nutrition piece in my business, sets us apart from the competition and has added a consistent revenue stream into our studio"

Nicole LaBarbera, CFNS

Dickens Fenelon, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Personal Trainer, Fitness Expert, Trainer, Nutrition Coach

"After breaking 6 Figures my first 8 months working with Lucho & Lisza, my business has DOUBLED in the second year, with their guidance"

Dickens Fenelon, IFBB PRO, CFNS

Unni Greene, CFNS, The "Diet Diva" Fitness Expert and owner of SoMi Fitness

"Your Program is Outstanding and I have found it to be 100% Successful"

Unni Greene, CFNS,The "Diet Diva"

They Took it to the Next Level.

“Compared to just taking the course, this event took it to the next level. This is definitely helping me take my business and all those that attend - to the next level. The experience was SUPERB.

My takeaway - How I do Something, is how I do Everything”

Let that sink in...

Jason Noel, CFNS

3 Day Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge Virtual Experience Agenda*

Day 1

9:00 am - 12:00 pm: Registration

12:00 - 12:30 pm: Welcome & Introduction

12:30 - 2:00 pm: Presentations

2:00 - 2:15 pm: Break

2:15 - 4:45 pm: Presentations

4:45 - 5:00 pm: Break 

5:00 - 6:00 pm: Presentations

Day 2

9:00 - 10:30 am: Presentations

10:30 - 10:45 am: Break

10:45 - 12:30 pm: Presentation

12:30 - 1:30 pm: Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:00 pm: Presentation

3:00 - 3:15 pm: Break

3:15 - 5:30 pm: Presentations

5:30 - 7:00 pm:  Networking & Entertainment Party*

Day 3

9:00 - 10:45 am: Presentations

10:45 - 11:00 am: Break

11:00 - 12:30 pm: Presentations

12:30 - 2:00 pm: Lunch Break

2:00 - 3:45 pm: Presentations

3:45 - 4:00 pm: Break

4:00 - 4:30 pm: Presentation

4:30 - 5:30 pm:  **BONUS Session and Wrap Up

Yes! This is a 100% Online Course

No Travel Required

Day 1

11:45 am  Event Dashboard Opens

12:00 - 1:00 pm: Welcome & Introduction

1:00 - 2:50 pm: Presentations

2:50 - 3:00 pm: Break

3:00 - 4:30 pm: Presentations

4:30 - 4:45 pm: Break

4:45 - 6:30 pm: Presentations

Day 2

8:30 - 9:00 am:  Coffee Talk

9:00 - 11:20 am: Presentations

11:20 - 11:30 am: Break

11:30 - 12:30 pm: Presentations

12:30 - 1:30 pm: Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:50 pm: Presentations

3:50 - 4:00 pm: Break

4:00 - 5:30 pm: Presentations

5:30 - 7:00 pm:  Virtual Happy Hour, Networking & Entertainment Party*

Day 3

8:30 - 9:00 am:  Coffee Talk

9:00 - 10:35 am: Presentations

10:35 - 10:45 am: Break

10:45 - 12:30 pm: Presentations

12:30 - 1:30 pm: Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:05 pm: Presentations

3:05 - 3:15 pm: Break

3:15 - 5:0 pm: Presentation

Day 4 - VIP ONLY!

10:00 am - 11:00 am: Training & Updates

11:00 - 11:45 am: Hot Seat

11:45 - 12:00 pm: Break

12:00 - 12:45 pm: Hot Seat

12:45 - 1:00 pm: Break

1:00 - 1:45 pm: Hot Seat

1:45 -- 2:00 pm: Wrap Up w/ Q&A

*Networking & Entertainment Party!

Virtual Entertainment and Interactive Networking Opportunities.

*VIP Package Attendees Only - ADD-ON:

Includes 1/2 Day PRIVATE Mastermind on the 4th day!

It's What You Don't Know That You Don't Know That Will Hurt You!

Here's What We Know...

  • Your Health, Fitness, Wellness or Nutrition Business CAN be Consistently Profitable month after month.

  • It's the language that you use to present your services and to "motivate" your clients that can make you a success or a failure. Are you using language that is causing you to fail?

  • The Language of Success - and how to naturally and easily apply it to what you are doing to increase your sales and results by 300%.

  • Believe it or not, there is NO one-size-fits-all plan! 

  • Your Clients will get Trackable, Proven RESULTS when they follow the plan.

  • The Custom Software quickly creates food-based CUSTOM nutrition programs that are easy to follow.

  • You will be able to assess your clients' results at a glance​ and CUSTOMIZE their next steps.  
Choose Your Ticket!
Select Your Level of Commitment...

Today thru 10/18/2020:

10/18/2020 - 11/17/2020:


Save $300

Save $100

VIP Lite

Save $200

Save $100

Gen. Adm.

Save $100

Save $50






Recordings of 3 Days of Training Experience Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value).

1 Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ Online Course ($495 value) - included

6 Months What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™ License ($594 value) - included

3 Months FREE Business Builder Coaching Program ($291 value) - included

1 Customized Business Blueprint for YOUR Business (Priceless)

Lifetime Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

1 Hour PRIVATE Coaching Call with Lucho & Lisza ($1000.00 value)

Total Value of $6,874.00






Recordings of 3 Days of Training Experience Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value).

1 Customized Business Blueprint for YOUR Business (Priceless)

Lifetime Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

1 Hour PRIVATE Coaching Call with Lucho & Lisza ($1000.00 value)

Total Value of $5,497.00






Recordings of 3 Days of Training Experience Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value).

1 Customized Business Blueprint for YOUR Business (Priceless)

Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

Total Value of $4,494.00






Recordings of 3 Days of Training Experience Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value).

1 Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist Online Course ($495 value) - included

6 Months ONLINE What Works Custom Nutrition Software License ($594 value) - included

3 Months FREE Business Builder Coaching Program ($291 value) - included

1 Customized Business Blueprint for YOUR Business (Priceless)

Lifetime Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

***1 Hour PRIVATE Coaching Call with Lucho & Lisza ($1000 value)

Total Value of $6,874.00






Recordings of 3 of Training Experience Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value).

1 Customized Business Blueprint for YOUR Business (Priceless)

Lifetime Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

***1 Hour PRIVATE Coaching Call with Lucho & Lisza ($1000 value)

Total Value of $5,497.00






Recordings of 3 Days of Training Experience Focused on YOUR Business with Lucho & Lisza ($2,997.00 value).

1 Customized Business Blueprint for YOUR Business (Priceless)

Access to the Private MYNK Facebook Group ($1,497.00 value)

Total Value of $4,494.00

Event Sponsors

Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge

is brought to you by our amazing Sponsors and benefiting Sweat Angels by Causely

Sweat Angels - the referral platform for gyms, yoga studios, fitness studios and fitness centers to give back.
IAHNBO, International Association of Health & Nutrition Business Owners
Orange Sock, Processors for Health, Fitness & Wellness Professionals
Kelly O'Neil, Marketing to Millionairs for health and wellness coaches and professinals
Fit Vine Wine - a healthy wine brand for fitness professionals and active lifestyles
Europa Sports Products - Your Health & Nutrition Distributor
Sports & Fitness Insurance Corporation, provides insurance coverage for Health Cubs, Personal Trainers & Fitness Instructors
Enter "Crisalle10" at checkout for a 10% discount

Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?

Who Are Your Hosts?



CEO Lucho Crisalle BS, brings more than 30+ years of experience as a nutrition and fitness expert to ENW Inc. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition and Dietetics with a minor in Exercise and Sports Sciences from The University of Florida, Gainesville. He held his credentials as a Registered Dietitian from 1997 through 2009.

Lucho is credited with developing world class custom nutrition programs for Americas’ top CEOs, Non-Profit Organizations, multi-million dollar health clubs, and enterprising fitness professionals. He has authored certifications in nutrition for the advancement of personal trainers, coaches and health practitioners worldwide since 2003.

His clients often thank him for “demystifying nutrition” and motivating them to achieve life changing results. After placing third in the 1990 Ironman Bodybuilding Competition (a National Qualifying event), he decided to return to school and become a Registered Dietitian instead of pursuing a career as a competitive bodybuilder. He received his Bachelor’s Degree at The University of Florida, Gainesville. Lucho is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist and a Certified Hemispheric Integration™ and NLP Master Practitioner. Lucho has been coaching individuals on lifestyle enhancement for many years.

As a Clinical Dietitian, he worked at Torrance Memorial Medical Center and Barlow Respiratory Hospital where he worked closely with highly compromised patients in the Burn, Intensive Care, Orthopedic and Oncology Units. After his tenure in the clinical field, Lucho went on to Head the Nutrition Department for The Sports Club Company at The Sports Club/Irvine, one of the country’s most exclusive health clubs. He is now committed to sharing his knowledge by creating continuing education courses for fitness and wellness professionals.


Director of Marketing & CFO, Lisza L Crisalle, CFNS brings more than 25+ years experience in marketing, branding and coaching to the fields of health and nutrition. After majoring in Exercise Physiology, she tied in her background in fitness to the business world. With a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Marketing, Lisza continued in the fitness industry as an instructor and trainer for everything from swimming, skiing and martial arts, to aerobics, and indoor cycling.

After breaking out of the corporate world more than 15 years ago to work directly with her husband (internationally recognized nutrition expert, Lucho Crisalle) Lisza is determined to bring their company to the forefront of the nutrition and health community.

While Lucho developed one of the most highly recognized nutrition certification programs (the CEU accredited Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ home study program) and the What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™, Lisza helped bring these specialized products to the market, ultimately securing contracts with such corporations as Gold’s Gym International, Max Muscle Incorporated and many more.

They now focus their energy as business profitability coaches for the Health, Fitness & Wellness industry, working directly with small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Lucho & Lisza currently coach Health, Fitness, Wellness & Nutrition Professionals through a 16 week business building program, the Health & Wellness Business Profits System, where they help them develop their Nutrition Systems, Sales Systems, Marketing Systems and Residual Income Systems for a more Profitable and Sustainable business.

Learn More and get become a Member at: www.HWBPS.com

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How will attending this event help my business?

This event is about helping you get your work out into the world in a big way with structures and systems to build a business that fully supports you! Whether you’re just getting started or have been in business many years, this event is designed to help you reach your next level.

Q: Will there be selling at this event?

This event is built around training content, deep support, and to guiding you through the ways to achieve even better results in your business. So while there will be opportunities to engage deeper with our programs, this is NOT a pitch fest. This is your opportunity to work with Lucho & Lisza directly for 3 days.

Thousands of graduates continue to prove that sticking with us throughout the entrepreneurship journey is how they continue to grow their businesses and exponentially increase their incomes. But if you come just for the event and don’t accept our invitation to support you further, we believe you’re still going to leave happy, empowered and with a crystal clear plan to rapidly accelerate your business and income!

Q: What are the event hours?

Event Check-in starts at 11:30am on Day 1 and the first general session starts that day at 12:00 noon PT.  The following 2 Days hours are 8:30 am through 5:00pm or 6:00pm, with the Virtual Happy Hour & Entertainment from 5:00 until 7:00-7:30 pm PT. All VIP Attendees also includes a 1/2 day Mastermind (10:00 - 1:00 pm) on the 4th day.  Although we will have Q&A sessions throughout the event, we will stick around after the event to make sure all questions are answered. And even more questions will be answered at our evening Virtual Happy Hour & Party taking place from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, where you will make amazing connections, enjoy some entertainment and have some fun.

Q: When should I fly into Las Vegas?

Q: Do I need to be a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ to attend the event?

No, however, the VIP Admission price also includes the Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ Online course. As a VIP, you do not need to have completed the course by the event date, however we highly recommend you complete all requirements and either mail them in or bring them with you for grading so that you can leave the event with your certificate. Note that if you choose the Regular Attendee Ticket, our Certification Course is NOT included.

Q: When do I get access to the CFNS course and the What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™? 

Within a couple of minutes of completing your VIP Admission registration you will be sent an email with instructions on how to get INSTANT ACCESS to the CFNS online course portal as well as the student version of our What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™. Be sure to check your SPAM folder as sometimes important emails such as this end up there by mistake.

Q: How many Continuing Education Units (CEU's) does the CFNS course provide?

Our Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ course provides the following CEU's upon successful completion: 1.9 NASM, 15 AFAA, 20 ISSA, & 1.0 NCCPT. You may also petition other certifying bodies for credit as well.

Q: How much is it to continue using your What Works® Nutrition Software™ after the included six months?

After the first six months (which are included in the price of the event*), you can choose to either purchase a yearly or monthly license. Currently the yearly price is $900 and the monthly price is $97. However, for being a M.Y.N.K attendee, you are able to get the yearly price reduced to $499 and the monthly price reduced to $59.95 per month. You may also choose to purchase a number of years in advance and get a much lower per year price; as low as $349 per year. With what you will learn at the three day event, you will be able generate a return on your investment right away.

* If you were invited by a friend and took advantage of the Bring-A-Friend discounted pricing, or if you are a current student or graduate, the software is NOT included with your ticket. However, you will be able to purchase a license at a discounted rate during the event if you choose to.

Q: What if I cannot attend the Virtual Event the dates that are scheduled?

You can attend any Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge (MYNK) live event within 12 months of purchase. Event Cancellation Policy: As the MYNK event is a package program and the #MYNK (Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge)🍴✳️ event has limited capacity, includes access to our patented What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™ and has special discounted pricing, this event is non-refundable and non-cancellable for any reason. You may however send someone in your place if you decide, or attend our next live event within 12 months of your purchase date if space is available. Please contact [email protected] to request a change. This package purchase cannot be downgraded or replaced by any other product or service provided by ENW Inc.

Q: How do I access the Event Recordings as a VIP or VIP Lite?

The event recordings will be made available to all VIP and VIP Lite Ticket Holders who attend a minimum of 30% of the full event schedule.  The event recordings are intended to support your learning at the Virtual LIVE Experience - not replace it. 
Our Awesome Community

Copyright 2003 to 2025 - Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc. - Monetize Your Nutrition Knowledge